Innovation in Well Drilling

High-Quality Tools for Efficiency and Precision

Welcome to BfH, your leading provider of high-quality tools for well construction! We offer innovative solutions for dry and wet drilling, as well as customized equipment to make your well construction projects efficient and successful. Whether using airlift or suction drilling methods, BfH is your reliable partner for all drilling techniques.

Here are some of our focus areas:
  • Drill Heads for Well Construction
  • Vertical Drilling
  • Expansion Stage
  • Heavy-Duty Rods
  • Tricone Drill Bits

Trust us to provide the right tools for your well construction needs. Contact us today to learn more about our offerings and to successfully implement your projects!

Drill Heads for Well Construction

Our drill heads are specifically designed to handle the various geological conditions encountered in your well construction projects. From diamond drill heads to PDC bits, our state-of-the-art tools are engineered to ensure optimal performance and durability.

Vertical Drilling

Our equipment enables precise and reliable well drilling at various depths. We provide solutions for all types of terrain, from urban areas to remote locations, ensuring the successful completion of your project.

Expansion Stage

Our advanced tools for the airlift method make drilling faster and more efficient. We offer high-quality components that ensure smooth removal of drill cuttings, thereby enhancing productivity.

Heavy-Duty Rods

Our heavy-duty rods are robust and reliable, designed to securely support the drill head throughout the drilling process. With our high-quality equipment, we ensure precise control and stability, even in challenging geological formations.

Tricone Drill Bits

We offer top-quality tricone drill bits known for their high performance and efficiency. These tools enable fast and effective drilling through various rock formations, maximizing productivity.


Contact us

Our friendly team is ready to assist you with all your expertise to bring your project to life. Reach out to us – we look forward to your inquiry.